Friday, February 25, 2011

Will it Snow?

Will it snow in S. California tonight? Alexis and I are anxious to wake up in the AM to possible snow. We know it will only be a light dusting of it, but how fun would that be?! Mike, on the other hand, is being a party pooper. I wish he would join in our fun, even if it's just a little fun hope we have. ;)

Spent a fun evening together playing Taboo. Love that game! Really makes you have to think of some descriptive words to communicate. I won- again ;) Shhh - don't tell Mike/Alexis, but I've been playing w/ clients the past few weeks, so I might have a bit of a heads up on some of the words. :)

This week has been full of craziness at work. I am backlogged on my paperwork and will spend much of my weekend, at the very least, organizing what needs to be done. I am happy I was able to get the 2 major crisis under control in a successful way over the past few days for my clients. Their safety is my number one concern. Feels good when you are able to help, even if they hate you for it. I also commited myself to making a crazy creative behavior chart. It's going to be shaped like a swimming pool and will have all the elements (lounge chairs, pool toys, diving boards, etc) to hopefully engage my client. Think good thoughts that I can become super creative over this next week!

I haven't had any "Destructive Dynamic Duo" incidents this past week, but Mike did have one today. Apparently, when Mike was in the shower, he put them in their room to watch a movie. Well, normally they stay watching a movie and playing with their toys. I guess they were bored today, b/c they thought the fireplace was a fine and dandy place to play! Oops!!!!! Mike came downstairs to fireplace soot all over!!!! I wish he had gotten a pic, but I'm sure he wasn't a happy camper seeing that mess!

There has been a thread on WTE the past day about "high-spirited" children. I do believe Mr. Jake falls into that category. Now, please don't think I am "picking on" Jake. But he really is the instigator with much of our incidents. Brayden is normally standing there with a deer in the headlights looks when we catch them. I'm pretty sure he is taking great notes from his brother and will be trying out all sorts of fun things on his own soon. :)

Have a fun and fabulous weekend!

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